..Pink Diaries..

..Pink Diaries..
you might find my life amusing... well i do

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas yall!

yeah, i don't really have anything to say other than happy holidays, merry christmas, seasons greetings (i hate that one) and um, happy hanukkah, merry kwanzaa or yeah, whatever. sooo i decided that i want to make a list of my pet peeves, ya know, just for fun. ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY... and my ramblings in this entry :)

1. I absolutely despise when people call you or IM you with NOTHING TO SAY. i think i've written about this before... but it needs to emphasized. having a phone costs money, and you are wasting my minutes by calling with nothing to say. lol.

2. I really don't like when adults ask me if i have a boyfriend. this bothers me for a few reasons. one, how do you know i don't have a girlfriend . it also bothers me because i have NO CLUE why i don't have a boyfriend so i just shrug my shoulders at them and say 'umm i really do not know'. then they always go "really? but you're so pretty"

3. i really hate driving, but thats not my pet peeve. my pet peeve is when you're driving on the highway, there's really not a lot of traffic, and someone behind you speeds up just to go in front of you. like, what are u trying to do? stick it to me? i don't care that you got around me. ugh.

4. this should have been number one, because it bothers me SOOO much. when i am watching tv, and people are around me talking..LOUDLY. shut. the. fuck. up. please!

5. i swear i'm quitting smoking. but this still bothers me. when i am smoking a cigarette and someone says 'smoking kills!!'. one, i know that, two, i obviously don't give a fuck because i'm still smoking, three, you telling me that isn't gonna stop me, i'm addicted motherfucker. stupid ass people

6. we'll end it here. people that no matter what the conversation is about, they make it about themselves. that is so fucking frustrating. lets just talk about ME for a second please.


1 comment:

Shar Nele said...

1. I hate that too!!!

2. I hate that too...Do I ask you why you're not married yet?!?!?! Or why do I never see you and your husband together???lol

5. I don't smoke but I always thought that was dumb. Like do you expect the person to be like "Oh yeah, let me put this out right now." errruhhhhh, NO!!!lol