..Pink Diaries..

..Pink Diaries..
you might find my life amusing... well i do

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

oooh girl, you got that good hair!

someone said that shit to me. i mean, i agree, my hair is more than just good, its fucking awesome. but you know what i mean. "good hair" is just another phrase that blacks use to separate themselves and inflict racism on each other. so what you tryna say? kinky hair is bad? mixed, puerto rican, curly hair is good? why? why is that good? why do black women feel the need to constantly alter their texture, color, EVERYTHING to be "good"??? of course it dates back to slavery times and the positions that the different slaves held.

now don't get me wrong lauren LOVES a good weave.. but i realized that perms were doing nothing positive for me. beyond just my hair texture being altered, i didn't want to give off a vibe of wanting to be what the 'white man' wants... i never put much thought into what i was doing to myself. it even goes to a spiritual level... its like telling god that my hair wasn't good enough and i needed chemicals to change it. how terrible!!! not to mention, its pretty cool to be a COMPLETELY natural beauty. this is my REAL REALLL hair, last year i gave up fake nails, and i wear minimal makeup on a daily basis. i was looking at my graduation picture and i look like a completely different person. i think i AM a completely different person. i'm more in touch with myself, my emotions, the REAL lauren... and thats pretty awesome.

people can look at me now and they can't think to themselves 'what will she look like without all that extra shit?' i'm all organic baby, no chemicals, no preservatives, no additives, ALLLLL NATURALLLL. god made me so beautiful and i can REALLY see it now. nothing is taking away or adding to me. i'm just simply ME. all i can do is strive to be the best version of myself right? that goes for inside AND out. I wish more people, especially black women, could see how great being natural is.

....now this doesn't go for ugly people, y'all need all the help you can get!!...
LOL!! i'm going to hell! haha jk jk jk jk

peace outtt<3

1 comment:

Shar Nele said...

i dont know about this whole hair issue...

I do think everyone should have natural hair.

However, I do think everyone has the right to switch it up. Straight one day, natural the next, perm one year,natural the next, weave one month, regular the next, dyed one month, regular the next. Because of that, we can't judge everyone's thinking on their appearance.

Lol about the ugly people. You Crazy!!!