..Pink Diaries..

..Pink Diaries..
you might find my life amusing... well i do

Friday, December 19, 2008

My Natural Hair Journey/ Boy News

i thank lady nele for helping my dumb ass out with the whole video embedding thing. i'm not really technologically inclined. regardless, i figured out how to make a video and it is sooooo good. here it is...

hope you enjoyed it... comment and rate on youtube pleeeease.

okay so... last night was extremely interesting. i was invited by my good outback friend to go to fridays for her going away party. i was reluctant (because i am a homebody) but i dragged myself out anyway. i ended up sitting across from her cousin, lets name him, Thomas. lol. okay so lets describe Thomas, hes black, duh, hes wearing a brown button-down shirt, a tan sweater over it, and a tan polo jacket...jeans, and brown loafers. lol. wholesome. i asked where he goes to school and he said liberty. for those of you who don't know, that is a christian college. sooo, we proceeded to talk and what not... he is turning 19. ahh! so young!!!! but literally, that is the only 'flaw' that he has. he is so sweet and nice and funny and not douche-like. hes a christian and hes a virgin and hes waiting for the 'right person'. *GASP* times a billion. so we sorta kinda sorta kidna kissed... ah! thats maybe not a good thing, but honestly CGT has been nothing short of an asshole and i fucking deserve to be happy. if someone other than cgt will make me happy, i'm not going to pass that up. that would be stupid! anyway... he seems totally cool and legit... and i reeeeally liked talking to him and i really do wanna hang out with him in the future. i'll keep my faithful readers posted : )

don't forget to comment on my video!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

leave you wanting more...

yeah, i should leave u wanting more, readers, but i stay at home alone all day and i get lonely because i have no one to talk to and i just write about me (usually uneventful) days... anywayyyy... today was uneventful. lol.
1. woke up
2. watched maury of course
3. ate breakfast
4. knitted
5. met with franci for lunch (delishh)
6. sat on my fat ass... ate cookies
7. la la laaaa
8. drove around a bit
9. got taunted by my brothers
10. got a call from CGT!!
11. watched the biggest loser
12. now i'm writing to you fabulous people! my gorgeous fabulous amazing followers! yay!

oh a quick btw. i was supposed to come home and work at outback again. i got FUCKED by them and now i don't have a job for the break. thankfully my neighbors need me to babysit for a few different days. i'm broke as a mafuckin joke right now.. and i barely have any gas in my stupid tank. GRR.

item number two. that commercial for guitar hero with corbin bleu... Ohhhhh lawd. that boy is too fine for his own good. i hope i never run into him on the street because i will make a fool of myself and possibly get arrested for a number of things such as public nudity, disorderly conduct, and possibly rape. i really need to figure out how to embed videos... let's try it out...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday Hangover

let me tell you about yesterday.

it was sunday. my brother/cgt awakened me with text messages. nigel's text was asking if i wanted a breakfast sandwich, which i did. cgt's message was a 'good morning' text. cgt and i had a small back and forth, he asked what i was doing, i said that i was in bed, he asked if i wished that he was there. i said 'yepp, i miss your snoring" he said, "you snore as well"...i know i do. anyway. nigel brings back the sandwiches. my sandwich was all fucked up, no sausage! UGHHHH! then i asked for a lemonade, but they gave me a freaking iced tea! UGHHH! greenway deli.. YOU SUCK! anyhoo, i pretty much layed around, talked on the phone, and knitted until around 3pm when i left to go to queens. my cousin, her friend, and i went to see cadillac records. btw, this was my first time going to the movies in a YEAR... crazy, i know. i'm glad we saw it...it was GREAT, even though beyonce was in it, and i can't stand beyonce. that movie was awesome. then we went to nakisaki for dinner/drinks.. it was yummylicious! slightly tipsy, we decided to go get some smirnoff ice and candy and watch the end of the sex and the city movie at my cousins house. that was very fun. then we pretty much fell asleep. pretty fun night in my eyes!

today, we woke up around 10 and got ready. then we went over to pace university (where my cousin goes to school) and watched some upperclassmen put on a series of plays... it was okay.. not really my cup of tea. then we wanted to get something to eat, but parking in manhattan is a joke. sooo we went back to brooklyn and got mcdonalds and went to my cousin's friend's house. we watched a wack ass true life episode and that was pretty much it...up until now. lol.

of course, an update with cgt business. idk... honestly. he is on a trip right now trying to get certification for something, and i guess he doesn't really have time to talk to me? who knows. quick story for yall...

okay, so one of the trainers at my gym... lets call him Robby. lol. Okay, Robby is really good looking. the definition of tall, dark, and handsome. he has a basketball player build... to make it terse, he is FINE lol. about a week or two ago, we were having a conversation at the gym and exchanged numbers. like, 2 days ago i was bored and decided to text him. i said 'you miss me yet?' lol. he calls me right after and a conversation ensues. basically he says 'i mean, you're feelin me, i'm feelin you, let's just cut the bullshit.' i don't know where he got this idea from, but it was funny as hell to me. well, i am physically attracted to him, and he is actually intelligent which i dig.. but he is cocky as hell and that is SO unattractive to me. anyway, after the last comment he made, i said, 'listen, i am not going to sleep with you so if that's what you THINK is gonna happen....' and then he like, gets all defensive like 'who said anything about sleeping with anybody' blah blah blah. YOU DID motherfucker! he said 'lets just cut the bullshit' ...well uhh... cut the bullshit to WHAT is my question. anyway. it was ridiculous and hilarious. i might be wrong, but i kinda wanna talk to Robby because it will take my mind off of the bullshit i must go through with CGT. readers, help me out with this one...