..Pink Diaries..

..Pink Diaries..
you might find my life amusing... well i do

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

oh lawddd

i have a really bad headache right now. if i don't make sense... thats why.

i get really bad headaches after i take naps. the longer the nap, the worse the headache. my mom says its because i'm waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle. she might be right.

i am still head over heels in love with mr. perfect. he texted me today, and it was magical. did u hear that? HE texted MEE!!!

CGT was such a waste of my time, how come yall didn't tell me?! i would go into detail about what happened when i saw him the other day, but that would be wasting even more time. he is too through.

if i could do anything in the world right now. i would take twenty dollars...go buy a bag and roll myself a nice fat blunt. then, i would smoke that blunt while listening to amy winehouse (my new obsession, i know, i'm late).. and then i would go to sleep. but for now, i will just listen to amy winehouse...and go to sleep..dreaming about mr. perfect. sighss...

i'm gonna sound like a fiend for a second... i am experiencing one of the best tv seasons EVER. i have something to watch everyday from sunday to thursday... its the BESTTT!!!

*i fell asleep right after writing this. but yeah. i felt mad shitty. i feel better now. luv ya. muah!*


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